User:Scientific Guy/A Story
This is the story of a young man. This man was brought up by his father, a single parent who struggled to make ends meet. The young man had been recently ill and was about to be transported from one hospital to the next. His father came to accompany him.
While in the ambulance, the father was telling the young man that after they arrived at the next hospital, he would have to leave for a short business conference. But he said he was coming back. Suddenly, an oncoming vehicle swerved and crashed straight through the ambulance. It was a devastating accident. The driver of the other vehicle was a globally-known celebrity, and was fatally injured that night. Everyone involved in the crash perished, except for the young man, who sustained serious head wounds, was rushed ever quicker to the hospital, and was to remain there for years.
In the days that followed the accident, word was spread worldwide about the death of the celebrity. The date of his death became as iconic as the celebrity himself, and the story continually repeated about how he killed many others as well as hospitalizing one.
Meanwhile, this man had suffered so much trauma that he no longer was able to act like an adult, his mental capacity quite deteriorated, to the point where he had to continually remain under hospital care. Since his father was gone, the young man was eventually given a new guardian, an elderly man who was very kind toward him. Eventually, he convalesced to the point where he was able to leave the hospital, but for only a day or two at a time. Hence, from time to time, the old man would take the young one to his social gatherings and such, and while there, the old man’s friends would see his mentally impaired companion and ask “what happened.”
Now, if the young man were able to know “what happened,” it would be very devastating and harmful to him mentally. Thus, the old man would merely say the date of the accident and all would be understood. If the young man asked what the date meant, the only reply he would get would be, “I can’t tell you.”
Over time, the old man himself became ill, and the young man was left alone in the hospital, a place he grew to abhor.
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- Didn't get it yet? Here's Part 2.
Because of his mental state, he could not come to understand his treatment. Whenever his nurse would administer his medication, the young man would resist, and cry; and after a few weeks of this “torture” and no one there to comfort him, the young man made up his feeble mind to escape, and he did.
The old man, who was passing away, desired to die at home rather than in a hospital. His caretaker was his only company at this time, as he had no surviving children [I may need to confirm this]. Then, a few days before he died, the young man made his way to the old man’s home. He was welcomed in, and stayed there until the old man died. Now, when he left the hospital, it turned out that the young man had recovered to the point where he could survive without treatment. He also was starting to remember his childhood. He couldn’t recall the accident, but he could recollect scenes from his childhood: his mother dying, the happy times with his dad, and his dad saying he would return.
Over the next few days, the old man decided to change his will, to give his fortune and home to the young man, as neither had any family with him [I may need to confirm this]. On his deathbed, the old man explained to the young one that there were bad men out there who would want to sneak into the house and steal the money. So, he told the young one where the money and will were, but not exactly how to get to them. “I can’t tell you,” is all he would say, with a smile. The young man didn’t fully understand, but he would eventually.
The next day, the old man died.
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