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United States
Date Joined
January 22, 2018
Edit Count

Things About Me

Hello there! Obviously, I'm a user for aiowiki, and I would like to thank odysseyfan for making my account. I like it already, and I want to learn more about it! I'm 10 years old, and I like models, (airplane's, helicopters, etc,) and I like fishing, (even though I've never caught a fish before.) I would like to ride in an airplane someday, I would love that. by the way, Conniekendall fan and I are friends, I just thought that someone would like to know. Thank you for looking at my webpage, I hope you like it. By the way, My real name is Daniel. and I copied the things about Jason and Whit, so I hope no-one thinks It's spam, thank you. And I'm open to suggestions about my webpage.

Random Quote

Connie Kendall: I feel like I should be waving a stick at a piñata.
“Grand Opening, Part 2”


Sam (dog).jpg
Jasoniscool owns a pet

Jasoniscool is ANTI-spam.

Jasoniscool has listened to Album 10.

Jasoniscool has listened to Album 1.

Jasoniscool wants Richard Maxwell to return

Jasoniscool wants to collect every AIO product ever released!!

Jasoniscool listens to
Adventures in Odyssey.

Logo 2018.png
Jasoniscool loves AIOWiki!

Jasoniscool contributes using Microsoft edge.

Jasoniscool Is owned by one or more cats

Jasoniscool has made 267 contributions to AIOWiki.

Jasoniscool is a huge fan of the Novacom saga

Jasoniscool is a member of the Adventures in Odyssey Club

Jasoniscool is a huge fan of Jason!

Clubhouse magazine-February-2017.jpg
Jasoniscool subscribes to Focus on the Family Clubhouse.

Jasoniscool is a Geek.

17 Jasoniscool is 17 years, 6 months, and Expression error: Unexpected < operator. days old
as of February 22, 2025.

things to do

  • reach 500 edits !halfway there!
  • reach 1000 edits
  • rank up to admin
  • create a big and important page
  • reach 5000 edits

Jason's history

He was born in Pasadena, California. Jason (Agent 1131) is Whit’s youngest son—and in many ways, he is a “chip off the old block.” Most of Jason’s life was spent as an “analyst” and operative (in other words, secret agent) for the National Security Agency, just like his dad. Soon after he quit, Jason also inherited his father’s love for inventions and tinkering with gadgets — especially the high-tech kinds. But while Jason possesses Whit’s sense of adventure, he does not possess Whit’s patience and wisdom, which results in Jason’s often reckless, impetuous nature. He is a “man of action” who sometimes leaps before he looks. He was also valedictorian of his high school graduating class. Jason retired from the agency, got involved in missions but then he ended up back with the agency. To retire once and for all he faked his death to rid off any and all former enemies. Then even though retired he joined up with the FBI and took on an undercover position as The Stiletto to take down a counterfeit ring in Odyssey and Mr. Grote. Later he went to London as The Grinder to capture Mr. Grote there. Jason Whittaker is in his late 30's early 40's according to Focus on The Family. Currently (as of Album 56) he lives in Odyssey and runs J&J antiques for Jack and Joanne Allen.

My favorite sagas

Dariensriselogo.pngDariens-rise.png Kidsborologo.png NovacomBroadcasting.png Blackgaard-chronicles-2-front.jpgEugene bernard.gif

pictures of Jason

Jasonwhittaker.png770 art.jpgJasonwhittaker-2.pngJasonwhittaker-3.pngJason.gifJason-Malachi's Message.jpgCutandFold-Jason.png

history of Jason's Father

The character of Whit is somewhat of an enigma. His actual age is never mentioned in the audio series, but we can assume he was in his late teens or early twenties when serving in the Pacific in WWII. This would put him to be about 65 at the start of the radio series and about 94 as of 2018 but there is no hard confirmation of that. According to Radio Scripts, Volume 1 and the Original Complete Guide, Whit was born on October 1st, contradicting the The Caves of Qumran which suggests that Whit's birthday is August 14, 1939 which would make him 78 as of 2018

Universal press

Following university, Whit's history is somewhat unclear. At at some point, he founded the "Universal Press Foundation", an encyclopedia publisher, and helped create the Universal Encyclopedia. His time at UPF was also spent working closely with members of the Department of Defense in creation of the powerful computer program, "Applesauce" (#73: “A Bite of Applesauce”)Which was later destroyed by Whit himself, after Dr. Blackgaard tried to steal it again in episode #156 Waylaid in the Windy City Part 2 .

Pictures of whit

Whit with bible.pngJohnwhittaker2014.pngJohnwhittaker-2010.png

favorite characters

                                                   Jason Whittaker   Connie Kendall   John Whittaker   Eugene Meltsner

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Come on! You need to listen to Push the Red Button ASAP!