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Use this page to create a general news item on the main page.
If a new official podcast has been released, copy the information from here
If a new episode has aired on the radio, copy the information from here.
If a new Product has been announced (with an image), copy the information from here

Alternatively use this form: type in the name of the new Product after News:New_Releases/ and click Create: {{#form:action=/w/index.php| {{#input:name=action|type=hidden|value=edit}} {{#input:name=preload|type=hidden|value=Template:New_Product/preload}} {{#input:name=editintro|type=hidden|value=Template:New_Product/intro}} {{#input:name=title|type=text|size=60|value=News:New_Releases/}}{{#input:type=submit%7Cvalue=Create!}}}}

  • To the right of |title=, put something that describes the news, such as "Episode Preview Released" or "New Album Art".
  • Leave |date={{subst:#timel: F d, Y}} alone. This sets the current date.
  • To the right of |text=, describe the news in complete sentences with proper grammar.