Template:Infobox Episode Information/doc

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This template is used to display information on all episode pages.

Note: X means number, XX means numbers, and Nnnn means word/words. Use “var” instead of “var1.”
Variable Parameters Usage
name Name of episode (defaults to page name) Displays different name at Infobox head, Previous/Next bar, and lead section.
ep_num Official episode number Displays the episode number in the Infobox head and lead section, and (by default) sorts the page.
podcast Podcast number that contains episode Shows podcast download link in the Infobox head; categorizes.
split Currently paired split episode name (if episode is split) Shows currently-paired split episode in “General” tab; categorizes.
album_name Main album title (for series albums [Album XX: album_name]) Shows the main album title in “General” tab; categorizes.
album_num Main album number (for series albums [Album album_num: Nnnn]) Shows the main album number in “General” tab; categorizes.
album Main album title (for non-series albums) Shows the main album title in “General” tab; categorizes.
album_nameX Other album page Shows another album in “General” tab; categorizes.
album_titleX Other album name Displays alternate text in place of album_nameX.
year Episode’s season year (defaults to last four characters of airdate) Provides link to season in “General” tab and lead section; categorizes.
rec_date Date recorded (ex. January 1, 1987 or January 1 & 2, 1987) Displays date recorded in “General” tab.
rec_location Studio where recorded Shows recording location in “General” tab; categorizes.
cassette Special number on episode’s cassette Shows cassette number in “General” tab.
introX Intro(s) to episode Displays episode intro in “General” tab; categorizes.
wrapsX Wraps to episode Displays episode wraps in “General” tab; categorizes.
themeX Episode theme (lesson) Displays episode’s theme in “General” tab; categorizes.
genreX Episode genre Shows episode’s genre in “General” tab; categorizes.
bookX Book of Bible where scripture is found Sets Bible book for episode’s verse in “General” tab; categorizes.
verseX Starting verse of scripture reference (XX:XX) Sets Bible verse for episode in specified book in “General” tab.
endX Ending verse of scripture reference (XX:XX) If there are multiple verses, sets ending verse for scripture reference in “General” tab.
showVerseX Any value, if verse X should not be fully shown Tells whether or not to show Bible verse in “General” tab.
songX Song used in episode Shows the episode’s songs in “General” tab.
inventionX Name of invention used Shows which inventions are used in the episode in “General” tab; categorizes.
shortX Short used in episode Shows which shorts are used in the episode in “General” tab; categorizes.
incX yes if short X is incorporated Tells if the short is written into the episode itself and not during a commercial break or at the end in “General” tab; categorizes.
hostX Host for episode (defaults to Chris Anthony) Shows host for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
writerX Episode writer (defaults to Unknown) Shows writer for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
directorX Episode director Shows director for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
producerX Episode producer Shows producer for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
exec_producerX Episode executive producer Shows executive producer for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
sound_designX Episode sound designer Shows sound designer for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
engineerX Episode engineer Shows engineer for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
musicX Episode soundtrack composer Shows composer for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
songsX Episode music artist Shows music artist for episode in “Crew” tab; categorizes.
cbd ChristianBook.com item number Shows link to CBD in “Links” tab; categorizes.
amz Amazon.com item code Shows link to Amazon in “Links” tab; categorizes.
iTunes iTunes item code Shows link to iTunes in “Links” tab; categorizes.
spanish_cbd Spanish CBD item number Shows link to Spanish version on CBD in “Links” tab.
we WhitsEnd.org link Shows link to episode on WhitsEnd.org in “Links” tab.
popupisode Popupisode video link Shows link to ‘Popupisode’ video in “Links” tab; categorizes.
hq AIOHQ.com link Shows link to episode on AIOHQ.com in “Links” tab; categorizes.
ol AIOLib.com link Shows link to episode on the Odyssey Library in “Links” tab; categorizes.
et User:Green Mamba/Adventures in Odyssey Theories link Shows link to episode theory page on the wiki.
ods Special OdysseyScoop.com link (defaults to auto-link + ep_num; no if no link) Shows different link to episode on OdysseyScoop.com in “Links” tab; categorizes.
sf AIOSoda.com link Shows link to episode on the Soda Fountain in “Links” tab; categorizes.
too TheToO.com link Shows link to episode on the Town of Odyssey in “Links” tab; categorizes.
script Script filename Shows link to downloadable script in “Links” tab; categorizes.
preview Broadcast preview filename (defaults to ep_num, or na) Displays broadcast promo in “Links” tab; categorizes if = na.
sample Sample clip filename (defaults to ep_num, or na) Displays sample clip in “Links” tab; categorizes if = na.
prev Previous episode name Shows previous episode in a bar at the top of the page.
next Next episode name (or Last Episode to Date) Shows next episode in a bar at the top of the page.
chart Chronological episode number (different from ep_num) Provides information for episode charts.
lead_section Any input Displays an alternate lead section.