Officer Stew Burke

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Officer Stew Burke
Officer Burke 2 EIO.png
Voiced by
Episode appearances
Episode mentions
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Last episode
First episode mention
Last episode mention



Officer Burke is said to have a "George Washington Style" haircut. (From the Quarter, not the dollar)


Officer Stew Burke: Wait a minute. Where's Jason?
John Whittaker: Oh, he had to take a business trip to New Mexico. Last minute thing. He sends his regrets.

#547: “No Way In”

Officer Stew Burke: Do you have a receipt for those socks?
Connie Kendall: Trust me, Officer: I did not shoplift those socks! If I was gonna shoplift something, I would steal something much more fashionable.
Officer Stew Burke: How comforting.

#588: “Broken-Armed and Dangerous”

Pictures of Officer Stew Burke


Officer Stew Burke is voiced by Marshal Younger, has appeared in 16 episodes.

Officer Stew Burke has been mentioned in 2 episodes.