Edit count

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Total 13,781 100%
(Main) 7,569 54.92%
User 231 1.68%
Adventures in Odyssey Wiki 113 0.82%
File 2,888 20.96%
Template 1,064 7.72%
User talk 244 1.77%
Category 1,125 8.16%
News 253 1.84%
File talk 8 0.06%
Template talk 87 0.63%
Talk 132 0.96%
Category talk 16 0.12%
Adventures in Odyssey Wiki talk 8 0.06%
Schedule 19 0.14%
Interview 2 0.01%
MediaWiki 7 0.05%
News talk 11 0.08%
Interview talk 2 0.01%
MediaWiki talk 2 0.01%