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AIOWiki Podcast RSS Feed / Is there anything that could make the Wiki better??

December 25, 2017
Here on AIOWiki, we want our site to be the best AIO fansite possible. For that to happen, we need YOUR input! How can the wiki be made any better? Do you have any suggestions? Is there anything you've always wished the wiki could have? If you have a suggestion, feel free to leave a comment via Disqus for this news item or on the talk page for this news item and our Admin will try to oblige.
UPDATE: The AIOWiki Podcast now has a working RSS feed! Now you can use this link to subscribe to the podcast and hear it on your smartphone:


AIOWiki Podcast #8
December 23, 2017
This edition of the AIOWiki Podcast includes the most information about upcoming Odyssey episodes to date! Among the subjects fully covered are Album 64, the 2018 Adventures in Odyssey Club season, and the Live Show on the cruise.
NOTE: Lee did not end up reading the credits for Audio Theatre Central #101. He will in a future episode.


START_WIDGET"'-d9d7644b93f2eae0END_WIDGETOfficial Podcast 293
December 19, 2017
Merry Christmas! As the year draws to a close, we listen to the very first radio drama ever produced by Focus on the Family. “Spare Tire” released on the daily Focus on the Family broadcast on December 17, 1983 and it paved the way for “Family Portraits” and – ultimately – Adventures in Odyssey. Hear this drama, plus an interview with Odyssey co-creator Steve Harris.


A New AIOWiki Poll!
December 16, 2017
After the long and drawn-out Connie vs. Eugene poll from September (which Eugene ended up winning by 2%), AIOWiki has a new poll: Should Jules and Buck start dating?

AIOWiki Podcast #8 is in production, #9 being planned

December 13, 2017
Just to let the community know, the AIOWiki Podcast #8 has been sitting around waiting to be produced, and when the time comes, it will be. The producer has not put a lot of effort in getting it released quickly, but he is planning to do so this weekend. If that does not happen, another update will be published correcting this one. It was mentioned that #8 was going to be an outtake reel; this idea has been shelved. In the meantime, #9 is being slowly brainstormed. Merry Christmas from AIOWiki!