Jean Forbes

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Jean Forbes
Voiced by
Episode appearances
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First episode
Last episode


Jean Forbes appeared in only one episode when she told a story to Whit of how her family put Frank Graves, their dentist, through an ordeal. She also was a stickler when it came to Sunday breakfast as she pestered her husband Bob Forbes about what he wanted. She was also a very loving and caring mother as she was worried her daughter Emily Forbes would swallow her loose tooth if it wasn't pulled out.


See Forbes family

Jean Forbes was the wife of Bob Forbes and the mother of Mark and Emily.


Mark Forbes: What’s the magic word?
Jean Forbes: Go!
Mark Forbes: Well, that works too.

#8: “Dental Dilemma”

Jean Forbes: Go tell her to get in here!
Mark Forbes: What's the magic word?
Jean Forbes: GO!!
Mark Forbes: Well, that works, too.

#FP02: “Dental Dilemma (FP)”

Emily Forbes: Frisky doesn't go to the dentist.
Jean Forbes: That's because he's a dog, sweetie. Uh, Bob, why don't dogs go to the dentist?

#8: “Dental Dilemma”

Jean Forbes: Bob, how about I give you a more distinctive choice?
Bob Forbes: Like what?
Jean Forbes: Like, what would you like, Bob? A bottle of Tabasco, or some angel foodcake?

#8: “Dental Dilemma”


Jean Forbes is voiced by Unknown, has appeared in 2 episodes.