Interview:Marshal Younger (July 2001)
- When did you start working for Adventures in Odyssey?
I wrote my first freelance script for them in 1991. I joined the staff in 1993.
- Why did you join Adventures in Odyssey?
It was a dream job for a writer just out of graduate school. By that time, I had really begun to enjoy writing for the show, and I knew what a quality show it was and what an honor it was to be associated with this group of artists.
- What is it like to write the Odyssey episodes?
It's always fun, though some scripts are more fun than others. It's a difficult discipline, writing for a show that's already 13 years old, because so many things have already been done. But the fun part is listening to what this team does with the finished product.
- Do you write anything besides Adventures in Odyssey and Kidsboro?
I write for another radio drama, Just South of Normal, which has yet to air but hopefully we'll get our acts together and get these things produced. Plus, I've written a bunch of plays and sketches for churches. I've also written two Odyssey video adaptations--The Last Days of Eugene Meltsner, and Master of the Matrix. I've also been slotted to write the third one.
- Where do you get the ideas for your episodes?
Sometimes I take things from my life, my childhood, or someone's else's life. To be honest, sometimes I steal ideas from movies, TV, or books, and try to Odyssey-ize the general ideas there (but I never steal exact ideas, only general things). And sometimes the ideas come out of nowhere (I like to say that they're divinely inspired, though I would never blame "Sticks and Stones" on God.)
- About how long does it take to write an episode for Adventures in Odyssey?
From idea to final draft, about three weeks.
- When you wrote the episodes, did you sort of make it up as you went along, or did you have everything in your mind?
I never start a script unless I know every step along the way. In fact, that is the required technique for AIO writers--we must write out a complete, scene-by-scene outline before we start on a script. But even if it wasn't required, I still work best knowing exactly where I'm headed.
- What is your favorite passage/story/verse in the Bible?
My favorite story is The Prodigal Son, and the story where the bad guys were stoning that woman and Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". My favorite verses are Jeremiah 9:23-24.
- Exactly what is it like now working with the rest of the Adventures in Odyssey team?
We work very well together. It is a blast because each of us has their own idiosyncracies, and senses of humor, and they blend well. I love the writer's meetings--getting into a room with very creative people and brainstorming ideas.
- What's your favorite part of working at Adventures in Odyssey?
Hearing the finished product after the production guys have worked their magic. I also really enjoyed directing the actors, though I haven't done that in a while. And, of course, talking to fans like yourselves.
- Do you think Adventures in Odyssey will keep growing?
I don't see it folding any time soon. It remains very popular, and as long as we can keep coming up with ideas, I think the show should continue.
- What is your favorite moment working with the rest of the Adventures in Odyssey team?
Directing "The Underground Railroad". It was very emotional, and such a "God" moment. I still count that session as a miracle, bringing in actors we'd never used, never having worked together before, and becoming a family like they did.
- Thank you so much for your time!