Baby Daze
A Stranger Among Us | Baby Daze | The Last Days of Eugene Meltsner |
When a baby shows up on the doorstep of Whit's End, the place becomes a flurry of splattered food, dirty diapers, and talking sock-puppets! Eugene wants to study the child's behavior in the name of "science." And Dylan Taylor and Connie can only laugh at his hilarious attempts at childcare.
After conducting extensive research, Eugene Meltsner is convinced he has the ability to make a computer which learns and thinks like a human. When an abandoned baby appears on the doorstep of Whit's End in Odyssey, Eugene is delighted to have a subject for further research and decides to keep him for the weekend. He finds caring for the infant, whom he names Buddy, much harder than he expected. Exhausted, Eugene falls asleep and has a nightmare in which his computer creation, Plato, has assimilated the data regarding Buddy and having "come to life," now puts Buddy in danger by sending its robot extension after him for more data. When Eugene awakens, he realizes that Buddy is not merely something to be studied, but a human being made in the image of God and thus very special and is broken-hearted when his new friend has to leave. A man named Dr. Mueller comes to retrieve the baby, admitting that Buddy is being used for genetic research, but Eugene argues that Buddy shouldn't be used in that way and tries to keep Buddy away from Mueller. Buddy activates the remote robot, which traps Mueller and his henchmen. Later, Whit and the others enjoy a laugh looking at pictures of Buddy, now reunited with his parents, wearing a baby-sized vest and glasses given to him by Eugene.
- Trivia
- Eugene can be heard humming the hymn Softly and Tenderly while rocking Buddy to sleep.
- The name "Buddy" was also given to the eponymous orphan played by Will Ferrell in the 2003 comedy Elf.
- This video is also included in DVD 1: In Harm's Way, Baby Daze.
DVD Extras
- Two 30-minute audio adventures: #412: “A Lesson From Mike” and #409: “Natural Born Leader”
- Chapter selection
- Computer wallpaper
- Adventures in Odyssey screen savers
Dylan Taylor: Hey, Connie , Eugene, look, he's shaking hands, cool.
Eugene Meltsner: (Chuckles) More likely simply a primal reflex. Observe. (Wiggles his finger in front of Buddy) Come, little fellow, grab the wiggly little (Buddy bites his finger)--Ow! (Blows on his finger)
Connie Kendall: (Laughing) Now that what I call a primal reflex! I'm going to fetch our little visitor some real nourishment.
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- Stills
- Psalm 100:3
- Videos written by Ken C. Johnson
- Videos directed by Steve Stiles
- Videos with music by Tim Jaquette
- Videos associate produced by Jeffrey Learned
- Videos associate produced by Robert W. Bontrager
- Videos sorted by name
- Videos sorted chronologically
- Videos written by Robert Vernon
- Videos with music by John Campbell
- Videos with sound design by Glenwood Editorial
- Videos produced by Robert Vernon
- Videos engineered by Unknown
- Videos executive produced by Steve Stiles
- Videos with Connie Kendall
- Videos with Connie Kendall voiced by Katie Leigh
- Videos with acting by Katie Leigh
- Videos with Dylan Taylor
- Videos with Dylan Taylor voiced by Zack Duhame
- Videos with acting by Zack Duhame
- Videos with Eddie
- Videos with Eddie voiced by Will Ryan
- Videos with acting by Will Ryan
- Videos with Eugene Meltsner
- Videos with Eugene Meltsner voiced by Will Ryan
- Videos with John Whittaker
- Videos with John Whittaker voiced by Paul Herlinger
- Videos with acting by Paul Herlinger
- Videos with Dr. Mueller
- Videos with Dr. Mueller voiced by Alan Oppenheimer
- Videos with acting by Alan Oppenheimer
- Videos with Dr. Mueller's henchman
- Videos with Dr. Mueller's henchman voiced by Neil Ross
- Videos with acting by Neil Ross
- Videos with William (Buddy)
- Videos with William (Buddy) voiced by Unknown
- Videos with acting by Unknown