B-TV: Grace
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Ephesians 2:8-9
“B-TV: Grace” is episode #439 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Jim Ware, and originally aired on March 18, 2000.
B-TV presents various skits, stories, and clips to portray the importance of grace and how it applies to our everyday lives.

A modernized version of the prodigal son joins free hot dogs and lemonade to teach the B-TV viewers an eye-opening lesson about getting the good stuff we don’t deserve.
Discussion Questions
- What does the Bible mean when it talks about God’s grace? Can you, in your own words, define grace or describe what it is?
- Why were Bernard and Connie giving away free hot dogs and lemonade on the street in downtown Odyssey? What did this have to do with the theme of the program?
- Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” What does this mean?
- Trivia
- This episode was dropped from the album "Album 34: In Your Wildest Dreams" and all subsequent airings because the the team felt the Amish skit was too offensive to some listeners:
- The Amish characters speak with a goofy accent.
- This accent is very similar to one previously used by two Scandinavian characters, one also played by Corey Burton, in #434: “B-TV: Redeeming the Season”.
- The main character is portrayed as dim-witted.
- Jokes are made about Amish clothes and horse-and-buggies.
- The Amish characters speak with a goofy accent.
- This episode marks the second time that a character wins a free trip to Hawaii after #256: “Aloha, Oy!, Part 1” - though in this case, it may have been a staged part of the B-TV program rather than an actual contest.
- Allusions
- Jacob's line about "swimming pools, movie stars" and "that Ellie May" is a quote from the theme song to the 1960s TV sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies and a reference to the beautiful character Ellie May Clampett on that show.
Connie Kendall: Hot dog, Eugene?
Eugene Meltsner: Surely you jest! Uh, hold the mustard.
Eugene Meltsner: But Mr. Walton, are you or are you not familiar with the popular proverb, "There's no such thing as a free lunch?"
Bernard Walton: Yes, I think I've heard that somewhere before.
Eugene Meltsner: As a student of economics and a B-TV program consultant, I feel compelled to raise an unavoidable question: who exactly is underwriting this frivolous media bash?
Connie Kendall: Translated: "Who's paying for all this?"
Bernard Walton: And I just want you to know how happy I am that you won the prize. <beat> Of course, I would have been a lot happier if it had been Connie or Nathaniel...
- Unreleased episodes
- 2000 Season Episodes
- Episodes sorted alphabetically
- Episodes sorted chronologically
- Episodes hosted by Chris Anthony
- Episodes written by Jim Ware
- Episodes directed by Phil Lollar
- Episodes produced by Todd Busteed
- Episodes with sound design by Todd Busteed
- Episodes with music by John Campbell
- Episodes recorded at Unknown
- Episodes engineered by Todd Busteed
- Episodes executive produced by Al Janssen
- Episodes with theme of Grace
- B-TV Episodes
- Episodes with references from Ephesians
- Episodes produced by Phil Lollar
- Episodes with promos
- Episodes with samples
- Episodes on AIOHQ
- Episodes on the Odyssey Library
- Episodes on the Odyssey Scoop
- Episodes on the Soda Fountain
- Episodes with Ezekiel (a)
- Episodes with Ezekiel (a) voiced by Nathan Carlson
- Episodes with Jacob (a)
- Episodes with Jacob (a) voiced by Corey Burton
- Episodes with Harlow Doyle
- Episodes with Connie Kendall
- Episodes with Eugene Meltsner
- Episodes with Mandy Straussberg
- Episodes with Bernard Walton
- Episodes with John Whittaker
- Episodes with cast box episode number