Nick Grant

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Nick Grant
Nick Grant.png
Voiced by
Episode appearances
Episode mentions
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First episode mention
Last episode mention


Nick's real name is Albert Leech; he starred in the TV show Heartbreak Condominium as action hero Chad Pearson. Connie won a date with him from a contest she didn't intend to enter. By the end of the night, Connie had actually really grown to like Nick as a person. Connie had a big influence on Nick and the memories of how she treated him resulted in his becoming a Christian years later. He eventually came to be the leading man on the TV show Jungle Fire, and the movie Boatload of Trouble. On a trip to California with her sister, Connie reconnected with Nick at which point he began to fall in love with her. Connie didn't rebuff his attention until it was too late and she ended up hurting his feelings. However the two parted ways as friends.


Pictures of Nick Grant


Nick Grant: Thank you, thanks, Burt, thanks, everybody. I'd like to thank everybody who sponsored this event and made it such a fun thing for me. I'm very excited about my day with Katie Kennell!
Bart Rathbone: That's "Bart" and "Connie Kendall."
Nick Grant: Oh, right. Hi, Connie...and don't forget to shop at the Electric Place!
Bart Rathbone: "Palace."

#220: “This is Chad Pearson?”


Nick Grant is voiced by Leland Bruno, has appeared in 1 episode.

Nick Grant has been mentioned in 1 episode.

Nick Grant has appeared in 2 comic story arc(s).

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