Suspicious Finds

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#632: “Suspicious Finds”
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Original Release Date
Date Recorded
July 17, 2007
Recorded at
50: The Best Small Town
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Suspicious Finds

“Suspicious Finds” is episode #632 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Nathan Hoobler and Marshal Younger, and originally aired on March 8, 2008.


An editor from Home and Country Magazine announces that Odyssey is a contender for Best Small Town in America.


An inspector for the Best Small Town Contest is coming to Odyssey - and Bart, Edwin and Connie each have their own ideas about how to impress him.

Connie starts out by making changes to Whit's End, while Bart removes support beams from the Electric Palace to make it look "rustic." As it progresses, Bart ends up giving the inspector a free cell phone and Edwin gives him a complementary ticket to a Shakespeare play.

As it turns out, the inspector isn’t from Home and Country Magazine, but from the Health and Safety Department of Campbell County. He ends up finding safety hazards with The Harlequin Dinner Theatre and the Electric Palace.

Sadly, because of the structural damage caused by Dr. Regis Blackgaard's attempt at blowing up the place (#334: “The Final Conflict”), the inspector closes and condemns Whit's End.

The good news though, Odyssey is chosen as a finalist for the Best Small Town in America Contest.

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Heard in episode

Role Voice Actor
John Whittaker Paul Herlinger
Dan Daventry Phil Crowley
Eugene Meltsner Will Ryan
Connie Kendall Katie Leigh
Perry Browning Jimmy Weldon
Bart Rathbone Robert Easton
Edwin Blackgaard Earl Boen
Tom Riley Walker Edmiston
Electric Palace Customer Unknown
Will Dean (actor)
Pat Evelyn (actor)
Sammy Unknown
Jill Unknown

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Rusty Gordon (Malone) Connie Kendall
Jack Allen Connie Kendall
Walter Shakespeare Edwin Blackgaard


Alternate Summary
  • An inspector for the "Best Small Town" contest is coming to Odyssey - and Bart, Edwin and Connie each have their own ideas about how to impress him. But have they got the wrong man and the wrong intentions?



Perry Browning: I'm here to give you some very important news, and I thought that you should be the first to know, Miss Kendall!
Connie Kendall: Me? That's never happened before.

Perry Browning: Odyssey could be the best small town in America!

Tom Riley: Howdy! Tom Riley here. We’re just gettin' ready for a time of wonder, adventure, and excitement. Would you like to join us? Than get ready, 'cause you never know what can happen when you have an Adventure in Odyssey! —Walker Edmiston's last episode.

Bart Rathbone: How are yous today?
Dan Daventry: Just fine.
Bart Rathbone: Lot o' weather we been havin' lately.
Dan Daventry: Yeah, I suppose so.
Bart Rathbone: Hey, uh speakin' o' dat, are you the inspector?
Dan Daventry: What?

Bart Rathbone: <to customer> Yeah with the purchase of dat dere stereo, we got a hotline you can call to ask us any questions, any time, I’m always available. <to himself> Ooh, the inspector guy just come in! <walks away>
Electric Palace Customer: Hey where’re you going? I got a question!
Bart Rathbone: Can't help ya!

Bart: Just a token of my depreciation.

Perry Browning: So, what did you think of Odyssey, Jill?
Jill: It meets all our qualifications. Rusty Gordon's book is just tabloid garbage. What he calls a laughable little town is actually a very charming, friendly place with lovely people!

Tom Riley: Eugene, Eugene, do you know how many gutters I've fixed in my life?
Eugene Meltsner: Uh, no.
Connie Kendall: How many?
Tom Riley: Well, none.

Bart Rathbone: Hey Blackgaard
Edwin Blackgaard: Yes
Bart Rathbone: Can I get a glass of water here?
Edwin Blackgaard: No there's a hose out back, don't put you mouth on it.

Bart Rathbone: Health?
Edwin Blackgaard: And safety?
Dan Daventry: Inspector, right! I inspect buildings for health and safety! I've been checking all the buildings in Odyssey! And I don't mind saying that you've got a death trap for a store, Mr. Rathbone! Missing support beams, corrosive rust...
Bart Rathbone: Wait just a minute here!
Edwin Blackgaard: Well, inspector or not, there's still no excuse for sleeping through my performance!
Dan Daventry: On a couch placed in a position that clearly impedes easy access to the fire escapes! And I have a few other notes about the condition of the stage—the light rigging, the wiring... shall I go on?
Edwin Blackgaard: Oh... no need. I should have expected this from a fan of the Three Stooges.