AIO Writer's Block
"Growing the Largest Odyssey Fan Community Ever."
AIO Writer's Block or AWB is a website run by Donald Treply and the chief site of a website community of the same name. Its main style of content was formerly "Let's Talk Abouts," now just analyses of various Odyssey subjects, along with episode "Reactions and Reviews." Websites or brands partnered with or maintained by it include SONN or Satirical Odyssey News Network, a satirical news category created by Don and John Tuttle III. John Tuttle III has appeared as a frequent writer for the SONN channel of AWB, creating much of its most popular content. The website is also in partnership with Odyssey Fiction, a fan-submission style fan fiction website, Adventures Happening in Odyssey, a stand-alone blog, and The Perilous Pen, another standalone blog that has contributed to AWB in the past. More recently, it joined with Adventures for Odyssey Fans and AIO Thought of the Week. The latter was the first website to be an AIO Writer's Block member at its inception. At the end of 2023, AWB announced a podcast that would release around March of 2024. This came into fruition on March 8th with the release of the "What's Odyssey?" Podcast with Joshua Mensah-Woode. The show is produced fully by AIO Writer's Block and distributed through Spotify for Podcasters. In May of 2024, AWB was approached with an idea for a fan review hub page, appropriately named "AIO Reviews". Adventures for Odyssey Fans also accepted an invite to join in 2024. Don has stated goals for AWB to become "the largest AIO fan community ever."
Don created The New AIO Blog in October 2020 and made his first post, "My immediate reaction to 'Was Morrie Right'" in response to the heated buzz around the message of The Rydell Revelations, Part 3 and Michael LaFaver's interviews with Phil Lollar. Don greatly enjoyed this side hobby and continued with a post named "Club vs. Radio", where he compared the AIO Club to listening on the radio. After making a few subsequent posts, "Let's Talk About Characters: Connie" was posted and given positive feedback. Don continued to make Let's Talk Abouts and other posts. He created a guest post with John Tuttle III in early 2021, and John became a frequent guest and writer. John continues to write SONN posts and has created a majority of them. By the end of 2022, AWB partnered with two additional websites, Adventures Happening in Odyssey, and Odyssey Fiction, respectively, which began the development of what is now known as "AIO Writer's Block", the website family. A detailed history of the website was released on the website's 1st anniversary on October 7, 2021. AWB outlined its future plans shortly after its fourth anniversary on October 15th, 2024.
Several months after the website's 2020 incarnation, Don began refreshing the blog. He changed the name, added a new logo, and made other small tweaks. On January 1, 2021, he unveiled AIO Writer's Block, a step up from the blog's beta stage. Content began to slow after 2022, with few sparks of content appearing. Late 2022 into 2023, Don indicated he wanted to move into his original AIO Writer's Block vision: a community of enthusiastic AIO creators. The effort began with a partnership with Adventures Happening in Odyssey and later Odyssey Fiction, with the latest addition of The Perilous Pen Blog. The effort continued with a push for 500 Instagram followers in 2024. The site now continues to expand with more slated changes and creator integration.
Current Members
- Satirical Odyssey News Network
- What's Odyssey Podcast
- The Perilous Pen
- Adventures Happening in Odyssey
- Adventures for Odyssey Fans
- AIO Reviews
- AIO Thought of the Week
The blog currently has more than 200 original posts, including SONN posts, episode reviews, and news. It also regularly covers topics such as Jillian, Novacom, and the Rydell Saga. The most popular post was previously "Why 'Jillson' is Literally the Worst Ship Ever", written by John Tuttle III, however; it is now second to a major news story broken in 2023, leaking Focus on the Family's plans to release a rebooted Adventures in Odyssey animated series.