Walk This Way

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#790: “Walk This Way”
790 art-small.png
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Last aired
February 1, 2016 ↓
Original Release Date
Date Recorded
October 14, 2015
Recorded at
Cassette No.
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Philippians 2:3-4

3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

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“Walk This Way,” an Adventures in Odyssey Club exclusive, is episode #790 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Kathy Buchanan, and was originally released on February 1, 2016.


Penny convinces Connie that the answer to her financial problems is as simple as being crowned Miss Odyssey.


This plot section is too short and should be expanded. »


Discussion Questions

  1. There are lots of wacky moments in this episode. Which ones did you find funniest?
  2. What did Connie mean when she said, "Beauty pageants are about parading around with plastic smiles and spray tans"? Do you agree? What's your opinion of beauty pageants?
  3. Connie had a great deal to learn in just two weeks. When have you been challenged to learn something really difficult in a very short period of time? What did that teach you?
  4. From judges and audience members to Connie's own coaches, people seemed to be evaluating her every word and every move. How do you think she felt about being judged? What sort of things make you feel that way?
  5. Penny apologized for pressuring Connie to do something she didn't want to do. When have you felt pressured by your friends? How would you describe the difference between encouraging someone and pressuring them?
  6. Imagine opening a small velvet gift box and finding a diamond ring inside—then throwing away the ring and keeping the box. That's just crazy! Even so, in what ways can we value the "packaging" more than what's inside when dealing with people? Apply Proverbs 31:30 and 1 Samuel 16:7.
  7. If Wooton were to ask you, "What's your talent?" what would you tell him?
  8. Who is your role model, and why? Read about the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. Do you see any of those qualities in one another? If so, take a moment to encourage each other by pointing them out.
  9. Connie made sacrifices for people who weren't even her friends yet. As we see in the Bible, so did Jesus (Romans 5:8). Can you think of any examples from the episode . . . or from God's Word?


Heard in episode

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Eleanor Wise Penny Wise
Aunt Hilda Wooton Bassett


  • This episode's title may be a reference to the Aerosmith and run DMC song "Walk this Way”
  • Connie's motivation for this entire episode is a desire to get more money to pay her mortgage. However, it was previously established in #736: “Life Expectancy, Part 3” that Connie's mother's house was paid-for by the time her mother passed away and willed it to Connie, which was one of the main reasons for Connie to decide to keep the house and live there.


Eugene Meltsner: (Laughing) You really expect me to believe that... MISS KENDALL would be interested in performing in a... PAGEANT? (laughs) Of all people...
Connie Kendall: Eugene, I'm serious about this.
Eugene Meltsner: (Stops mid-laugh, very serious) Oh. Of course. Well I think... you would be a... fine Miss Odyssey, Miss... Kendall. (Ahem)
