The Drop Box

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#749: “The Drop Box”
749 art-small.png
Paired with
Last aired
November 1, 2014 ↓
Original Release Date
Date Recorded
December 3, 2013
Recorded at
Cassette No.
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Jeremiah 29:11

11For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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The Drop Box

“The Drop Box,” an Adventures in Odyssey Club exclusive, is episode #749 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Nathan Hoobler, and was originally released on November 1, 2014.


During a visit to South Korea, Whit and Eugene meet a pastor who has turned his home into a safe haven for abandoned children.


This plot section is too short and should be expanded. »

Discussion Questions

  1. Whit and Eugene decided to give up their tour of Korea to help Pastor Rhee because they considered the children more important than their tour. How often have you placed others' needs before yourself?
  2. Do you have friends or classmates who were adopted? If so, what have you learned about adoption from knowing and talking to them?
  3. How did it feel to hear Pastor Rhee say that hundreds of babies are abandoned on the streets of Seoul every year?
  4. Discuss reasons a young mother might feel the need to abandon her baby. Then ask, “Which of those challenges is too big for God to help a person overcome?” Read Jeremiah 32:27.
  5. Each of you take a moment to write down three words to describe Pastor Rhee. When everyone’s finished, share yours and why you chose them.
  6. Sun Ji-hun argued that Pastor Rhee’s drop box was actually encouraging mothers to surrender their babies. What do you think of that?
  7. Imagine if your family adopted a child—maybe even one with special needs. In your world, what sorts of blessings or challenges might you expect?
  8. After working hard to build the drop box, Pastor Lee prayed that it would never be used. Why?
  9. How do you think God feels about children with disabilities?
  10. Do you feel like a masterpiece? Read Ephesians 2:10. What good works has the Lord given you to do?
  11. How can you support a family that has chosen to adopt?


Heard in episode

Relative Importance / Chronological
Role Actor
John Whittaker Andre Stojka
Eugene Meltsner Will Ryan
Pastor Rhee Unknown
Rhee Jung Won Unknown
Rhee Eun Hye Unknown
Rhee Hye Won Unknown
Jung Wi Won Unknown
Min Ji Unknown
Mr. Son Unknown
Unknown David Jung
Unknown Eugene Kim
Unknown Angela Lin
Unknown Lydia Look
Unknown Claudia Choi
Relative Importance / Chronological
Role Actor
John Whittaker Andre Stojka
Eugene Meltsner Will Ryan
Pastor Rhee Unknown
Rhee Jung Won Unknown
Rhee Eun Hye Unknown
Rhee Hye Won Unknown
Jung Wi Won Unknown
Min Ji Unknown
Mr. Son Unknown
Unknown David Jung
Unknown Eugene Kim
Unknown Angela Lin
Unknown Lydia Look
Unknown Claudia Choi

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Katrina Meltsner Eugene Meltsner





John Whittaker: Ok, how big should we make this (drop box)?
Eugene Meltsner: Well, the average length of a newborn infant is 52 centimeters.
Rhee Jung Won: How do you know that?
Eugene Meltsner: Doesn't everybody?