Bethany's Imaginary Friend

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#428b: “Bethany's Imaginary Friend”
Original Release Date
Date Recorded
Recorded at
33: Virtual Realities
Cassette No.
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Matthew 6:28-29

28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

Songs Included
Inventions Used
Featured Charity
Spanish Name
Spanish Airdate
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Music by
Songs by
Bethany's Imaginary Friend

“Bethany's Imaginary Friend” is episode #428b of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written by Lissa Halls Johnson, and originally aired on October 30, 1999.


Bethany Shepard gets an 'imaginary friend' and it bothers Aubrey.


This episode opens with Bethany imploring Aubrey to come help with an emergency. Aubrey is upset when she finds that the emergency is that Bethany's imaginary friend, Belinda is supposedly trapped under a log. After a few more annoying incidents, Aubrey calls a family meeting to talk about the nuisance of Bethany's imaginary friend. Her mother agrees and there are several extra chairs because they were having a tea party for the other imaginary guests, including Alex, Cornelius, and later, Bliebel from the Planet Glork. Bliebel was Aubrey's imaginary friend from several years before, and that reminded Aubrey she had had her imaginary friends also. Aubrey's parents explained that Tom and Connie had assured them that imaginary friends were not a big deal, because God has a great imagination, and God has made kids with big imaginations too. From now on, Aubrey will be a little more patient with her sister...or maybe not.

Discussion Questions

  1. Bethany has an active imagination. When is imagination a good thing?
    • When is it a bad thing?
    • Who gave us an imagination?
    • Why is imagination important?


Heard in episode

Role Voice Actor
Aubrey Shepard Danielle Judovits
Ben Shepard Jerry Houser
Bethany Shepard Sara Pilgreen
Connie Kendall Katie Leigh
Ellen Shepard Carolyn Hennesy

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Tom Riley Ellen Shepard


VERSION DIFFERENCE: [view] In the original airing of this episode, a shorty titled History Moment: All Saints' Day was heard between it and its pair, The Eternal Birthday. This shorty has since been pulled from the daily schedule, and another shorty titled And You Think You've Got Problems?: Daniel airs in its place.

  • This was the first episode to have two short "mini-episodes" in one. It was also the first episode to have Chris introduce both episodes during the opening tune. Also, it was the first episode in a very long time where Chris said "Don't go away" and "And now, back to Adventures in Odyssey".
  • In various merchandise and packaging, the second half of this episode is referred to as "Imaginary Friend," or "Bethany's Imaginary Friend."
  • In the wrap-up, Chris calls the second episode "The Imaginary Friend."
  • Belinda is referred to as "Belinda darling".



Aubrey Shepard: You've all been abducted by space aliens, right?

Ellen Shepard: Come on in, Blieble... Connie, Blieble is from the planet Glork. He and Aubrey used to fly all over the galaxy together.
Connie Kendall: Oh, you're from Glork. Well, that explains the yellow spots.
Aubrey Shepard: Purple... purple spots, and green antenna. I remember. We used to have so much fun together.

Aubrey Shepard: No. This has to stop!
Ellen Shepard: Oh, Aubrey!
Aubrey Shepard: But Mom, Belinda almost sat on Blieble. She can't have every chair!