Aloha, Oy!, Part 3

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#258: “Aloha, Oy!, Part 3”
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Psalm 68:6

6God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

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“Aloha, Oi!, Part 3”
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Aloha, Oy!, Part 3

“Aloha, Oy!, Part 3” is episode #258 of the Adventures in Odyssey audio series. It was written and directed by Phil Lollar, and originally aired on February 5, 1994.


The Barclays win a contest for an all-expenses paid vacation to Hawaii, but the Rathbones are coming along!



Jimmy Barclay and Lawrence Hodges go to Rathbone's Electric Palace to buy some fuses for George, and they end up getting a big surprise. As soon as Jimmy enters the store, bells ring, whistles blow, alarms sound, and music plays. Bart Rathbone rushes up to Jimmy. Rathbone proclaims Jimmy to be the 10,000th customer to enter the Electric Palace. He and four of his friends and family members have won a free trip to Hawaii! Back at the Barclays' home, George confirms that the trip is legitimate, the family and Lawrence really are going to pineapple paradise. But when they arrive at the airport, they discover that Bart, Doris, and Rodney Rathbone are joining them. Bart has finagled extra tickets for his family. The Barclays experience their wackiest vacation ever as Bart's cost-cutting measures lead them to a strange boat captain who gets them lost at sea. Meanwhile, Rodney goes to drastic measures to impress Donna (including having a wild parasailing experience). And Lawrence's efforts to find his father lead to several near-discoveries and a disastrous debut as a busboy. Circumstances remarkably connect, however. Rodney learns a lesson about going to extremes to impress people, and Lawrence has a touching reunion with his father, thanks to the Barclays, who learn to never travel with the Rathbones again.

This plot section is too short and should be expanded. »

Discussion Questions

  • Why didn't the Barclays want to go to Hawaii with the Rathbones?
  • What did Lawrence really want out of his trip to Hawaii? Did he get it?
  • Why is family togetherness so important?


Heard in episode

Role Voice Actor
Bart Rathbone Walker Edmiston
Bill Mason Bob Luttrell
Admiral Coraden Hal Smith
Corporal Phil Lollar
Don Iowa Randy Crenshaw
Donna Barclay Azure Janosky
Doris Rathbone Pamela Hayden
George Barclay Chuck Bolte
Jimmy Barclay David Griffin
Joe Hodges Bill Maier
Lawrence Hodges Gabriel Encarnacion
Mary Barclay Carol Bilger
Naval M.P. Randy Crenshaw
Melville Quid Phil Lollar
Rodney Rathbone Steve Burns
Commander Schulman Bob Smithouser
Serviceman Randy Crenshaw
Lieutenant-Commander Stark Will Ryan

Mentioned in episode

Character Mentioned By
Maureen Hodges Lieutenant Joe Hodges
Scrubb Moseley Doris Rathbone




Bill Mason: He must have caught an updraft.
Donna Barclay: It's carrying him off.
Bill Mason: Yeah! Toward Pearl Harbor!
Rodney Rathbone: I want my mommy!

Bart Rathbone: He left us.
Mary Barclay: I'm never going to see my children again.
George Barclay: This is unbelievable.
Doris Rathbone: I'll say. He took the pork rinds!

Doris Rathbone: Oh, great. We're stuck out on the ocean in a soggy, rickety old rust bucket.
Captain Quid: Soggy, aye. Rickety, perhaps. Old rust bucket, maybe. But rat-infested?
Doris Rathbone: I didn't say rat-infested!
Captain Quid: I know, but she's also rat-infested.

George Barclay: Find an oar!
Bart Rathbone: Or what?

Donna Barclay: I wish there was some way to cheer him up.
Don Iowa: The only way for that to happen is for his father to walk through the door.
Lieutenant Joe Hodges: Oh, good, you're still here. You folks didn't happen to see my hat when we came ashore, did you? I sat it down next to the other lady, and, uh...
Lawrence Hodges: Dad? Dad! Dad!
Lieutenant Joe Hodges: Lawrence! I can't believe it's you!
Jimmy Barclay: How'd you do that?
Don Iowa: Old Hawaiian custom. Happy endings.