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Adventures in Odyssey

Cast and Crew


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Odyssey Wants YOUR Fanart!
December 20, 2023
Adventures in Odyssey is launching a new way for fans to be part of the 1,000th Episode celebration! They want YOU, the loyal listener, to pick an episode from the library, and draw a scene from it! Fan art from all 1,000 shows will be displayed at the One Grand Party! Read all about it on!


Album 75 Releases on the Club and 2024 Episode News
July 12, 2023
The highly anticipated Album 75: The Best Is Yet to Come begins airing on the Club tomorrow July 13, with new episodes dropping each Thursday until August 17th. It will air on the radio and release on CD this fall. be sure to PRE-ORDER your copy to support the ministry. Also, the Odyssey team was in California in June recording new episodes for next year. See 2024 Season for hints of what's coming up on Odyssey.


AIOWiki Podcast #30
November 22, 2020
Since 2017, the AIOWiki Podcast has grown from an experimental mixture of news and reviews to one of the most popular Adventures in Odyssey fan podcasts. Now, after three-and-a-half years of views, reviews, news, and interviews, the podcast has come to an end. Lee and Arista reflect on the past thirty editions and all that happened behind the scenes in this final edition of the AIOWiki Podcast.



AIOWiki Podcast Announcement
November 15, 2020
The final edition of the AIOWiki Podcast will be released on November 22, 2020. We appreciate your patience over these past few months (and years, for that matter) with regard to the erratic release schedule of the podcast. This final edition will be a retrospective of the 3.5 years of the AIOWiki Podcast, and is approximately 40 minutes long.


AIOWiki Podcast #29
August 22, 2020
For the first time in the history of AIO fan podcasting, the review of an Odyssey episode is joined by the writer himself. Phil Lollar returns to devote another three hours to the AIOWiki Podcast, this time breaking down the behind-the-scenes of “The Rydell Revelations, Part 3.” Lee and Ryan barrage him with clarifications, nitpicks, and questions, which eventually leads to the one question left hanging from the three-parter: “Is all of that… good?”


News Archive

Today’s Episode
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#712: Child's Play
Eugene and Katrina take on a crazy weekend when they agree to babysitting two kids: one with limitless energy and another who must know the answer to every question.
Main actors: Will Ryan, Audrey Wasilewski, Dartanian Sloan

Tommorrow’s Episode: Something Old, Something New, Part 1Full Schedule · October’s Schedule

New Episodes
link= codeAirs on radio stations and and on the internet 
October 5th (October 5, 2024)
The Heavens Declare
link= codeAirs on radio stations and and on the internet 
October 12th (October 12, 2024)
The Smouse Show
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October 19th (October 19, 2024)
Painted into a Corner
AIOC-small.pngExclusive to the Adventures in Odyssey Club 
November 1st (November 1, 2024)
Untitled Perkins Episode
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November 2nd (November 2, 2024)

For more information about upcoming episodes, see Album 77: A New Perspective, Adventures in Odyssey Club: Season 11, and 2024 Season.
New Releases

All New Releases »

Random Quote

Matthew Parker: Mr. Whittaker said this case reminded him of Luke 12:2, There is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.
Emily Jones: Or as my Dad always says, there's no such thing as a secret.
“The Case of the Ball Cap Hero”[load another]