User:Scientific Guy/Reviews/A Sacrificial Escape

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What did you think of #877: “A Sacrificial Escape”? Click the "Add topic" heading above to write your review. Place your user name in the Subject line. Optionally, you can use {{Star rating}} for your rating of the episode.

Scientific Guy


Going into this episode, I thought, “How can you get better than ‘The Good in People’?” Answer: this episode.

FlYiNg FiSh-YoShI SaN


Episodes like this make me wish I still had time to run Odysseynerds and rant about how good it was. Because it was GOOD. Listened to it twice in a row, and it was just as good the second time. If Odyssey gets more episodes like this, it's going to be a third favorite era right behind the Novacom and Blackgaard sagas.



For me, this episode is a new classic and a personal favorite. The episode had an intriguing concept and was carried out fantastically. It kept me guessing and I was never once bored during it. The characters were perfectly in-character and interesting. The moral inspired me, unlike many of the recent episodes. A truly unforgettable episode.



This is really seeming like another great, long saga. Hopefully the whole saga will be like the old Blackgaard episodes, this episode sure was!